
A greener Moldova! The first tenders for large renewable energy capacities – to be launched this year

This year, the Ministry of Energy plans to launch the first tenders for large renewable energy capacities. The activity can be found in the Action Plan of the new Ministry, led by Victor Parlicov.

“The Minister’s vision is to have a safe, sustainable, and competitive energy sector. This is especially achievable in a country like the Republic of Moldova, which has no fossil energy resources and can only rely on the exploitation of energy from renewable sources. Another priority, which the citizens will feel directly, is energy efficiency in the residential sector, which will reduce the energy bills of household consumers and companies”, said Minister Parlicov.

According to the action plan, in the field of renewable energy, this year it is planned to launch the first tenders for large capacities of renewable energy, with a total capacity of 60 MW photovoltaic and 105 MW wind, the construction of power plants based on biogas/biomass with a total power of 65 MW, of which waste-to-energy plants with a total power of 20 MW, establishment of energy crop plantations and introduction of net billing and facilitation of grid connection of large power plants.


The action plan discussed with development partners contains 45 measures and a matrix of 77 priorities for the development of the energy sector in 2023.

The matrix of priorities is divided into 8 chapters and includes transversal policies, such as the revision of the energy law, and strategic planning; but also sectoral policies, aimed at the development of the electricity sector; the heating one; natural gas; promoting energy efficiency; of renewable energy sources; development of the oil products market; and effective coordination of foreign assistance.

Of the 77 activities included in the priority matrix, more than half are already supported by development partners, others have partial financial coverage, and for others, funding is yet to be identified.

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