A Moldovan created a new type of nuts! It is red and it is called rubin

In the village of Voinescu, in Moldova a special type of walnut with a red core, called Rubin, was created, writes Klumea. Oleg Tîrsînă (from Moldova), the creator, but also the technical director at Pepiniera Voinești, said that a few days ago that they were notified about the completion of the homologation process and registration in the Romanian Plant Varieties Catalog of the RUBIN variety.

This is excellent news, first of all for nut growers in Romania, but also for those from other European Union member countries, given the mechanism of mutual recognition of any type of crop approved in any EU country.

The homologation of the variety is also underway in the Republic of Moldova, where it is estimated that the introduction to the Catalog will take place at the beginning of 2023.


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