A novel by Moldovan writer Lorina Bălteanu was nominated for a festival award in France

The novel Legată cu funia de pământ (Bound to the Earth) by Moldovan writer Lorina Bălteanu has been nominated for an award at the Festival du Premier Roman (Festival of Debut Novels) in Chambery, France. This was announced on Facebook by journalist, founder, and director of Cartier publishing house Gheorghe Erizanu.

The Chambéry Debut Novel Festival, organized by Lectures Plurielles, an international association of readers, has been held for 37 consecutive years. The winners are chosen by readers of different ages who come together in committees. This year, ten Romanian debut novelists were nominated for the award. The winner of the festival will be chosen from ten authors and will be announced in March 2024.


Lorina Belteanu was born in 1960 in the village of Peciste, Rezin district. She is a poet, a graduate of the Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow and the University of Dijon in France. She was a methodologist of the Club of the Writers’ Union of RM and editor of Orizontul and Sud-Est cultural magazines. From 1992 to 1998, she was the Director of the Soros Foundation in Moldova, and from 1998 – the Director of Medialog Media Center. In 2000, she moved to Paris, where she started interior design and created her jewelry brand. Published books: “Glass Barrier,” “Shards,” and “Poems on Glass.”

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