All beneficiaries of established state pensions and social allowances whose monthly amount does not exceed 5,000 lei will receive a financial support from the authorities in the total amount of 1,500 lei, and young families with children will receive a monthly allowance in the amount of 1,000 lei for child care up to the age of two, regardless of whether the children’s parents are insured or not. These two provisions are found among other multiple measures within the state social insurance budget law for the year 2022, subject to rectification and approved today, August 26, in the first reading, by the deputies, during the extraordinary session of the Parliament.
Other measures include:
- the increase from 370 to 500 lei of the monthly support allowance for raising up to the age of 3 twin children or more children born from a single pregnancy, for insured and uninsured persons;
- maintaining the aid amount for the cold period of the year at 700 lei. Thus, for the provision of the given benefit for the estimated number of approximately 245 thousand beneficiaries, the state social insurance budget additionally specifies the allocation of 50,249.5 thousand lei from the state budget for the year 2022.
According to the amended law, the adjustment will be made following the analysis of the budget execution in the first semester of the current year, the dynamics of the contingent of beneficiaries and the average sizes of social benefits. At the same time, the rectification of the budget is also necessary for the implementation, starting from the current October 1, of some new actions, initiated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.
According to the proposed calculations, the total revenues and expenses of the state social insurance budget for 2022 will increase by 1.1 billion lei.