The first campaign for social responsibility in health was launched in Moldova

Do you think you are treated well in medical institutions in Moldova? Does your doctor explain the diagnosis, treatment or side effects in detail? Do you have the confidence and assurance that you have quality medical services? If at least one of the answers is “no”, then you must take measures to protect your health rights, but also contribute to the improvement of medical services in the country. What should you do? Find out in the information campaign “Are you treated well?”, launched by the Swiss Red Cross in partnership with the Public Association “CASMED” and the Public Association “HOMECARE”.

The organizers aim to familiarize patients with the concept of social responsibility in health, urge them to know their rights and responsibilities and offer them useful solutions to be treated better in medical institutions.

What does #treatedwell mean?

The campaign helps the public to understand the concept of social responsibility in health – how to get involved and what actions to take to protect their health rights and improve services in the hospital or polyclinic, but also the entire health system. Being #treatedwell means having more communication and cooperation with doctors, filing complaints and receiving solutions for reported problems.

Moreover, social accountability in health offers the opportunity to involve patients in the process of improving and developing medical services, but also to inform them about the activities and the budget to which they have contributed.

When are you #treatedwell?

Taking preventive measures, access to information, ensuring confidentiality and free expression of dissatisfaction are just some of the rights of any patient. During the campaign, patients will learn more about their rights included in the European Charter of Patient Rights, but they will also be familiar with their responsibilities.


Registering on a family doctor’s list, following the doctor’s recommendations during treatment, but also maintaining a healthy lifestyle are among the responsibilities that patients must fulfill in order to treat themselves well and to be able to defend their rights in health.

What to do to be #treatedwell?

For situations in which patients feel that they are not treated well, they can access 4 mechanisms of social accountability in health existing in Moldova: the suggestion and complaint system, through which patients can register suggestions or submit complaints directly to the medical institution; the satisfaction questionnaire, which patients can request to leave feedback regarding medical services; patient groups, created to identify patients’ needs and help them when they encounter a problem, and hot lines that patients can call when they have not received any response from the administration of the medical institution.

The concept of social responsibility in health will be popularized within the campaign through a unique platform, created in Romanian and Russian languages, a social video spot, a series of digital campaigns about patients’ rights and responsibilities, partnerships with mass media, etc.

More information can be accessed on the website

Information campaign “Are you treated well?” is part of the project “Equity in health through social responsibility”, implemented by the Swiss Red Cross in partnership with the Public Association “CASMED” and the Public Association “HOMECARE”, with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

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