Aliona Moon, about her brand new Eurovision song: It chose us

The finalists of the Eurovision 2023 National Selection are in full preparation. On March 4, the public will choose the song that will represent the Republic of Moldova at the competition in Liverpool. Our colleague, Traian Stoianov, managed to surprise Aliona Moon during the rehearsals for the national final.

This year, the performer wants to represent our country at Eurovision with the song “Du-mă”.

“I think the play chose us. I had several attempts, in several styles, but it just didn’t seem right. The idea came to us very spontaneously. I had already written the stanza for some time, and I wanted to use it somewhere. It already had the national elements and we decided to continue in that direction. Marej came up with the idea of the chorus. When I went into the studio and saw that the percussion was added during the production, I really liked how it came out and I said – This is it!”.


Although it is not the first time that she participates in the contest, the singer prepares just as thoroughly. Rehearsals involve a lot of work on many details, says Aliona.

“We know that Eurovision is not just about singing. We are preparing an interesting show. Roman Burlaca came up with some ideas for the show on the very first day when the play appeared. It holds us to these ideas.

According to the performer, the show and the stage presentation allow the listeners to understand the message of the piece.

“We also saw this in 2013, when we prepared a very nice show. Even though the play was in Romanian and the text was less understood in Europe, the show has remained in people’s minds until now”.

In 2013, Aliona Moon represented our country in Malmö with the song “O mie”, placing 11th. We wish her the best of luck at the National Finals, which will take place on March 4th!

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