Andreas Dapp: With the help of GIZ, we have created 40 jobs at Comrat

The German company Beurer GmbH, a manufacturer of medical products specializing in prevention and diagnosis, has opened a production facility in Comrat, Gagauzia. The entity is an example of successful implementation, with the help of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), an investment project in the Republic of Moldova.

“We are still in the process of accelerating and forming the first step. We are currently completing the expansion of the production building, then we will bring more products to Moldova “, says Andreas Dapp, the company’s procurement and production director, stating that the activity of the new production unit started in March 2022.

According to him, the entry of the German company (under the name ‘Beurer MDL’) created 40 jobs in Comrat.

“We offer safe and secure jobs in a comfortable work environment with a competitive salary. We are now expanding the current production space by almost 600 additional m2. We will increase our staff to 80 employees by the end of next year. The next steps are currently being evaluated, but Moldova is a strategic location for our continued growth, “said Andreas Dapp.

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“GIZ has helped us a lot in analyzing the market and solving all the problems”
Currently, with the support of GIZ, the company manages to develop its business in the “Valkaneș” Free Economic Zone, Comrat subzone.

“I knew them from my first stay in Moldova. I was in touch very often. And after I agreed internally to analyze the Moldova option, I contacted GIZ and they organized my entire travel agenda, including the necessary meetings with the authorities, other companies from Moldova. They supported us with the preparation of all the necessary data and organized the second trip together with our CEO at the beginning of December. They also supported us during the recording and are here in case of difficulties or challenges.

We made the decision in early December 2021 and started production on March 21st. It is a success in terms of quality and efficiency.

I was in Moldova for almost two and a half years to set up this factory. (…) It is a competitive country and not too far away. But in addition to competitiveness, the main point was that I was familiar with the country and the new processes.

We were also very lucky to find a very capable factory manager and, at the same time, the support from Invest in Moldova / Gagauzia and the relevant authorities was good. Of course, GIZ also approached us on a regular basis.

Currently, there are no plans to go anywhere other than in Moldova. We are very happy in Comrat and we want to grow up there “, says Andreas Dapp.

Over 25 investment projects, attracted by “Invest Moldova” with the support of GIZ. Another example of implementation of investment projects in the Republic of Moldova is the collaboration between the Investment Agency “Invest Moldova” (MIA) and GIZ. Igor Ștefăneț, head of the Investment Attraction and Protection Department of MIA, reports that in the last 3 years, the institution has managed to attract over 140 million euros and create over 15,000 jobs, including due to collaboration with GIZ for each economic sector.

“We managed to participate, with the support of GIZ, in the most important international exhibitions dedicated to attracting investments and promoting the Republic of Moldova.

GIZ’s MEPA project to provide assistance in attracting foreign direct investment has been running for 8 years. I have been at MIA for over 3 years. From practice, I can tell you that during them we had a wonderful collaboration, both professionally and personally. In addition, we managed to attract together over 25 investment projects in the Republic of Moldova.

The process of attracting investments is a complex one and involves many stages, starting with the analysis of sectors and economic areas, multinational companies, to promoting the investment offer, facilitating and organizing study visits, but also assistance throughout starting a business and managing them in Moldova.

On all these components, we have collaborated and created tools with GIZ support for each economic sector. I am referring here to market studies, analysis of economic sectors, investment profile. On each strategic economic sector of the country, with these tools at the base, with real figures about the sector, with data on labor and its cost, with data on facilities and free economic zones, we managed to participate, with the support of GIZ, in the most important international exhibitions dedicated to attracting investments and promoting the Republic of Moldova as an attractive investment destination “, says Ștefaneț.

The most important thing to mention is the promotion of the Republic of Moldova as an investment destination in as many markets as possible. The actions dedicated to attracting foreign investments, in collaboration with those from GIZ, generate interest for 130 companies per year. About half of them visit our country and are willing to invest about one billion euros.

“The most important thing to mention is the promotion of the Republic of Moldova as an investment destination in as many markets as possible. This generates an unprecedented visibility in the history of our country, which helps us to attract more potential investors each year.

There are millions of euros attracted as investments. There are hundreds of thousands of euros of direct assistance to the Agency, there are thousands of jobs created, but what I would like to mention is the personal impact of GIZ colleagues. Their daily involvement in the promotion and attraction process, but also the most important: the transfer of experience and skills that we attest daily from colleagues. There are many things that we have learned and taken over, that we implement daily and will go with the next generations of officials who will occupy this prestigious position of promoting and attracting foreign investments “, said Igor Ștefăneț.

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