
”Archaeological surprise” in Chisinau!

An unknown tomb was identified by archaeologists during excavations taking place in the Capital.

“Some open forums, we open graves. We are working… Historic Chisinau still has many surprises!”, historian Sergiu Musteață wrote on social media.

The scientist, however, maintained the intrigue. For now, it is not known who the tomb belongs to, and the scholar says that other information will be revealed later.

However, according to the information available to Free Europe, the wooden coffin was found near the Church of the Holy Emperors Constantine and Elena near the Circus. The bones were placed in a vault and placed in the crypt, and during the work done there previously, the eternal place was not touched.

Archaeologists say the coffin was covered in cloth with metal wire. Specialists assume that someone important found his eternal sleep there, and that it could be a clergyman.


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