Assurances of Fairness and Transparency in Moldovan General Local Elections to the EP from President Igor Grosu

During the meeting with the European Parliament observers, the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, assured that the authorities will do everything possible to ensure that the general local elections on November 5th are fair, and people can vote freely, as reported by the Parliament’s press service.

According to the source, during the discussions, the head of the legislature thanked the observers for their expressed interest. It emphasized that the authorities are counting on free and fair elections. In this context, the President of the Parliament referred to certain threats, including Russian Federation propaganda, as well as numerous attempts to manipulate the electoral process through voter corruption.

“It is an effort by the Russian Federation and corrupt groups to destabilize the situation and come to power through these corrupt actions. At the same time, state institutions intervene to combat these phenomena and illegalities,” added Igor Grosu.


Participants in the discussions noted that this year’s general local elections are very important because voters will decide who the over 12,000 individuals will be who will lead the country at the local level for the next four years.

The general local elections on November 5, 2023, will be monitored by over 1,500 national and international observers. According to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), the 401 accredited international observers represent 17 diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Moldova (93 people), 13 foreign electoral authorities (30 people), and one international association (2 people). The election observation mission from the OSCE/ODIHR will consist of 235 individuals, from ENEMO – 11 individuals, from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe – 20 individuals, and from the European Parliament – 12 individuals.

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