Category: Economics

Moldova will have another airport!

The government is set to modernize the Mărculești Airport, and the details will be presented shortly, announced Andrei Spînu, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, during the presentation of the results of...

The Moldova Fruct Association at the annual Prognosfruit Conference

The Moldova Fruct Association, with the support of the USAID Performing Agriculture Project in Moldova, participated in the annual Prognosfruit Conference, organized by the World Association of Apple and Pear Producers (WAPA),...

Salaries will be increased starting this September

Salaries in the public sector will be increased from September. The increase will be around 6%. The goal is to increase salaries for those with lower incomes, Natalia Gavrilița said on the...

The EBRD holds shares in Moldovan banks through companies from Cyprus

The extended role of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in the Moldovan banking sector during the period in which bank fraud was being committed raises serious questions about this...

Agricultural crops in the south of the country, “swallowed” by drought

The lack of rainfall has severely affected the agricultural crops this year. Wheat crops are most affected, but also corn, sunflower or rapeseed.Due to the drought, hundreds of hectares of corn have...
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The government will institute a state of emergency regarding the environment

The government will institute a state of emergency in the environment due to the hydrological drought. The announcement was made by the Minister of Agriculture, Vladimir Bolea, on TVR Moldova. The decision...

Moldova has stored 24.5 million cubic meters of gas

The authorities are considering the total cessation of gas supplies by Gazprom. In this context, they took a series of measures that, if implemented, will save 500 million cubic meters of methane,...

Andrei Spînu, confident that we’ll have gas in the winter

We will not freeze in the winter, but we will have to save, says Andrei Spînu. The authorities do not rule out that we could run out of Russian gas 100%, but...
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