
Changes in legislation: energy and economic problems may cause the introduction of a state of emergency

Energy and economic problems may become the reason for the introduction of a state of emergency.

According to the new amendment to the law, the first article, which contains a reference to the rationale for establishing the measure, should be supplemented with the following text: “The presence of a threat to the economic well-being and energy security of the state, which makes it necessary to prevent, reduce and eliminate its consequences,” the notice of the executive branch notes.

At the same time, if the amendments are adopted, some provisions in the legislation will also change. Well, instead of “announcement” and “removal”, the wording “establishment of the state of emergency” and “termination of the state of emergency” will be used.

“This proposal is a consequence of the economic and energy crises that the Republic of Moldova has recently faced, and this circumstance justifies such a situation,” the government explained.

In the event of an immediate threat to national security, if the parliament is not in session, the decree establishing the introduction of a state of emergency will be signed by the president of Moldova. MPs must meet urgently within 24 hours to approve the proposal. The innovation lies in the fact that if an extraordinary meeting does not take place, the decree of the head of state comes into force automatically.

It is also proposed that the members of the Commission for Emergency Situations submit a report to Parliament after the expiration of the state of emergency.

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