
Children Trained as Eco-Heroes: Capital City’s Waste Management Success

As good practices are learned from childhood, the authorities have decided to teach young children how to correctly sort waste. Throughout the summer, employees from the Municipal Sanitation Company are involved in the awareness campaign called “Be the Eco-Hero of Chișinău.” As part of this campaign, over 500 children have already been trained, including a group of kids from a day camp who learned new waste collection rules today. Despite their young age, the children treated important topics such as environmental pollution seriously.

Convinced that change starts with them, several children from a day camp in the capital city participated in an unusual lesson today. Guided by employees from the Municipal Sanitation Company, the little ones learned how to correctly sort waste so as not to harm the surrounding environment.

Since the beginning of summer, the employees of “Regia Autosalubritate” have organized 15 meetings with children, where they have shared information on how to protect the environment.

"We want to talk more about waste management, especially about source separation, and how important it is to do it at home. And where else should we start if not with the little ones? It may sound strange, but children often come up with new rules at home, and I believe that these rules will be adopted by parents as well." 

Last year, in the capital city alone, over 170,000 tons of waste were collected, out of which over 4,500 tons were recycled. For this purpose, the authorities allocated over 2 million lei from the budget.


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