Chisinau has outperformed Madrid and Montreal, as well as two cities in Romania, in the Happiest Cities Ranking

The people of Chisinau feel better than those in Istanbul, Madrid, or Buenos Aires. At least, that’s what the ranking of the Happiest Cities indicates.

The capital of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, ranked 191st. The city surpassed Montreal, Cluj, Brasov, Tbilisi, Warsaw, Cape Town, and several other cities in the ranking.

Overall, the ranking includes 250 positions. Cluj, Romania, is ranked 195th, while Brasov is 220th. Montreal occupies the 208th position, Istanbul is 197th, Warsaw is 202nd, Tbilisi is 241st, and Cape Town is 200th.


Aarhus in Denmark, Zurich in Switzerland, and Berlin, the capital of Germany, claimed the top three positions. Villa Gesell in Argentina, Chuzhou in China, and Johannesburg in South Africa occupied the last three positions.

The creators of the ranking consider various factors, including the issues residents may face, the population size, available resources, expectations, social relationships, and the opportunities available to different groups of people.

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