Church Museum in Chisinau: When it opens and what exhibits will be on display after the inauguration

The capital’s administration inaugurates the Church Museum in Chisinau, which will be a companion to the City History Museum. Situated at 11 Grigore Vieru Street, the Museum will be located in the historical residence of Metropolitan Gavriil Banulescu Bodoni.

The Museum will contain a permanent exhibition and thematic exhibitions, which will include documentary material, significant and relevant relics specific to the liturgical service, holy books, liturgical objects, priestly vestments, period photographs, and some exhibits identified during the archaeological excavations in 2021-2023.

“The primary objectives of the Museum are the collection, preservation, development, conservation, scientific exhibition, and instructive-educational valorization of the significant cultural heritage assets it will hold.


The headquarters of the “Church Museum” will be established in the cellars of the former Church Museum building. We specify that during 1942-1944, the Diocesan House hosted the Church Museum, organized by the priest Paul Mihail,” according to the Chisinau Municipal Council.

The construction of the new Museum in Chisinau will finish in 2025. The operational costs of the Museum will be borne by the municipality of Chisinau and the General Directorate of Culture and Cultural Heritage, with no other sources of funding prohibited by the regulatory framework.

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