
Cultural Bridge between Moldova and Poland: “Teal House in Moldova” Project

Moldova and Poland have launched the cultural project “Teal House in Moldova”. In this context, the premiere of the experimental performance “Mahamaya electronic devices,” performed in the Romanian language, took place in Chisinau. The project also includes a series of masterclasses with guests from Poland, Ukraine, and France, where the roles of actors, scenographic concepts, and playwriting will be analyzed, writes Moldova 1.

“This is the first project entrusted to us as a new organization, and it’s both an honor and a significant responsibility. It’s not just about performances but also about masterclasses, discussions, and an exchange of experiences. A well-known French director will come to speak about the management of French theaters, and a DJ – a renowned Polish composer – will discuss the current trends in electronic music in Warsaw,” said Polish director Iwan Wyrypajew.

The “Teal House in Moldova” project will be hosted by the “Teatrul Fără Nume” (Theatre Without a Name).


“The result of a year’s work will be seen at the ‘Teatrul Fără Nume.’ It’s not just about staging a play, but also about masterclasses and workshops. ‘Mahamaya electronic devices,’ written by Iwan Wyrypajew, had its premiere outside of Poland and Ukraine in January. And now, for the first time, in an absolute premiere, three performances in three languages – Russian, Romanian, and Ukrainian – will be presented in the upcoming week,” said Nicu Țărnă, the director of the Theatre Without a Name.

The performance “Mahamaya Electronic Devices” will also be presented to the audience in Russian on October 26 and in Ukrainian on October 29.

“In the Ministry of Culture, we see the development of this idea exactly in this way, through the development of multilingualism, with the authenticity of each work in its respective language, not through a mixture of languages and peoples. The coexistence of peoples can only occur on a two-way street, with mutual respect, appreciation, and dialogue,” said Minister of Culture Sergiu Prodan.

“Teal House” is a community focused on holistic personal development and art, created in Warsaw by director and playwright Iwan Wyrypajew and actress Karolina Gruzka. The project launched in Moldova aims to strengthen cultural exchange between Moldova and Poland.

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