Deputy director of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms: Moldova must be integrated into Ukraine’s reconstruction plan

The Republic of Moldova must be integrated into Ukraine’s reconstruction plan and participate in discussions on the rehabilitation of the war-torn neighboring country, said representatives of civil society. According to them, Moldova needs to ensure the transit of goods from the European Union to Ukraine, and investments in land and railway infrastructure are needed for the purpose, IPN reports.

Mihai Mogildea, deputy director of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE), said that Moldova must benefit from Western funds to develop its infrastructure, thus ensuring the transit of goods needed for Ukraine’s reconstruction.

“The Republic of Moldova must be integrated into Ukraine’s reconstruction plan and benefit, for its part, from funds to succeed in facilitating connections with Ukraine, especially as regards transport, energy and services. Surely, we need to adjust particular projects started after February 24, 2022. Here I refer, in particular, to rail connections with Ukraine. I think a lot of investment will be needed. At the same time, land routes need to be improved. We need a national road that provides a connection between Iasi and Odessa, a highway to ensure fast traffic between Iasi – Chisinau – Odessa and facilitate transit on the territory of the Republic of Moldova,” Mihai Mogildea stated in the talk show “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.


On Tuesday, President Maia Sandu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean had a meeting with the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker. According to experts, the visit paid to Chisinau by the high U.S. official speaks about the importance of Moldova in the process of rebuilding the neighboring country.

“The U.S. understands that Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova are the most affected by the war. We didn’t have the misfortune to be direct victims, but our economy suffered the most. Furthermore, we had the highest number of refugees per capita, who are still in the Republic of Moldova. The effort to rebuild Ukraine will also mean an effort to reintegrate these refugees. Therefore, the Republic of Moldova must have a seat at the table and be part of a genuine Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Ukraine,” said Watchdog expert Andrei Curararu.

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