Did they get their job through networking? Director Pîntea hired his former colleagues in the Funding Committee and gave them salaries

On July 2, 2022, the Organization for the Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA) was created following the reorganization of the Organization for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (ODIMM), was launched. The reform was initiated by the former Minister of Economy, Sergiu Gaibu. He is currently the director of ANRCETI.

“The IP ODA reform aimed at strengthening the institution’s governance, strengthening its capacity to interact with entrepreneurs, restructuring the internal decision-making and administrative processes, increasing the transparency in its activity, as well as equipping it with the tools necessary for the current times, generated by the regional and global context,” stated the institution in response to a question BANI.MD.

Coincidence or not, Dumitru Pîntea, the colleague of the former Minister of Economy, Sergiu Gaibu, was appointed director.

Later, Pîntea hired two other former colleagues from Expert-Grup within the ODA. It is about Stas Madan and Oleg Verajan.

“Regarding the quality of Mr. Stas Madan and Oleg Verejan (people known to Mr. Dumitru Pîntea), I mentioned that Expert Group is a community of independent experts with experience in various fields. The fact that former colleagues of Dumitru Pîntea, namely Mr. Stas Madan, are part of the Committee can only be a positive element through the expertise he brings. Mr. Oleg Verejan participated in the institutional reform process. He was later selected as the Financing and Risk Committee president based on the same competition procedure approved by the ODA Council. Also, during the period in which he coordinated the reform as a consultant of a project of the EU Delegation for technical assistance and at the time of his appointment as the chairman of the Committee, he had no relationship with the Expert Group, nor did he personally know Mr. Pîntea or other people from the Expert Group. Mr. Verejan’s presence is a significant contribution in terms of the smooth running of the Committee’s activity, having vast experience in the management of such entities as well as a long experience in the financial system.”

Under ODIMM, the predecessor of ODA, the approval of projects and grants was approved by committee members who were not additionally remunerated. The reason is that they were employees of ODIMM. But after the reform, Dumitru Pîntea established the Financing and Risk Committee, and the members were also given a monthly salary.

“For the year 2023, the IP ODA Council approved the gross monthly remuneration, for the chairman of the Financing and Risk Committee, for 14,000 lei and the other members of the Committee – for 13,000 lei”, according to the ODA.

The institution says that the members of the Finance and Risk Committee have 2-3 meetings per month where various decisions are made regarding the Organization’s activity. These are complex decisions related to the Grant Programs, the Loan Guarantee Fund, the Fund for Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth of Moldova, the 373 Program, and other instruments from the IP ODA management.

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