The European Parliament, during today’s joint meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Budgets, approved the Report on the Facility for Moldova. Deputy Parliament Speaker Doina Gherman welcomed the decision.
European MPs Siegfried Muresan and Sven Mikser presented the document to the committees.
“Thanks to this assistance, we will more easily overcome the economic and energy crises caused by the Kremlin. The benefits of European integration will become tangible for citizens in the most practical way. We will create new jobs, improve infrastructure, modernize hospitals, and strengthen our economy. We have strong allies, and together, we will successfully overcome all challenges,” said Deputy Parliament Speaker and co-president of the Moldova-EU Parliamentary Association Committee, Doina Gherman.
The European Parliament has adopted the report on the Moldova Facility, worth 1.8 billion euros, MEP Siegfried Muresan announced.
Following negotiations in the European legislature, lawmakers proposed increasing pre-financing from 7% to 20% of the total amount.
“These funds will quickly reach Moldova once the Facility takes effect. Since the Facility is worth 1.8 billion euros, each additional percentage point means an extra 18 million euros arriving in Moldova sooner,” Muresan said.
He emphasized that an agreement was reached to adopt the Facility without delays and under favorable conditions for Moldova’s authorities and citizens.