Dorin Recean: Moldova stays with Ukraine’s people

Prime Minister Dorin Recean today spoke at the 15th edition of the Kyiv Security Forum, held in the capital of Ukraine on 25-26 May, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.

In his message to the participants, the official referred to the Kyiv authorities’ resilience and the courage of the Ukrainian people, who defend their country and the entire system of European values, especially democracy, and freedom.

“We are surprised by the extraordinary courage of the Ukrainian people and by the sacrifice of the blood of the heroes who defend the freedom of Ukraine, Moldova, and Europe. We fully support the Peace Plan proposed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, which contains the steps necessary for the settlement of the conflict. Also, Moldova backs the setting up of the Special Tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity,” the Moldovan Pm said in his online speech.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean reiterated that Moldova would continue providing the support needed to the neighboring country to be able to cope with the social and economic challenges, in addition to those eight consignments of assistance for Ukraine’s regions and the constant help provided to the Ukrainian refugees from Moldova.

The Kyiv Security Forum is held annually and is the principal platform from Ukraine to discuss issues of war and peace, the national and global security. Among the participants, there are heads of state and government, experts in international relations and security matters, diplomats, journalists, and activists.

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