
Dumitru Alaiba: Republic of Moldova Concludes 2023 with a 1.5% Economic Growth

Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization, Dumitru Alaiba, announced on Rlive TV that the Republic of Moldova concludes 2023 with a modest 1.5% economic growth.

According to the official, this growth is modest, and more steps are needed to reach the levels of more developed countries.

“In 2022, we finished with economic decline for clear reasons. There were so many overlapping crises that couldn’t provide substantial growth bases. This year, we’ll have modest growth compared to what we need. Currently, we are looking at a 1.5% economic growth at the end of 2023. The data will be available in March next year, but that’s not enough to catch up with the others. We’ve set a clear goal to become the most business-attractive country by 2027. We are doing this because we need accelerated economic growth,” stated Dumitru Alaiba.

He emphasizes that to boost the country’s economic level, authorities have implemented several reforms, which will continue in 2024 to foster economic development. To achieve the goal, the government relies on investments in infrastructure, industry, and the private sector, concluded the minister.

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