EC Increases Non-Repayable Financial Assistance for Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Measures in Moldova

The non-repayable financial assistance provided by the European Commission for strengthening the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms will be increased. At today’s meeting, members of the Foreign Policy and European Integration Committee approved the advisory opinion for initiating negotiations and approving the signing of an amendment to the Financing Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the European Commission.

Thus, it is proposed to increase the non-repayable funding from 8.4 million euros to 10.8 million euros.

At the same time, the implementation period of the Agreement will be extended from 84 to 102 months from the entry into force of the document, and the duration of operational implementation will be extended from 60 to 78 months.


The Financing Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the European Commission on the consolidation of the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova was signed on July 24, 2019.

Its purpose is to develop zero tolerance for corruption among the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

Additionally, it aims to strengthen mechanisms for investigation and criminal prosecution, as well as functions related to asset recovery, declaration of assets, conflicts of interest, and the prevention of corruption.

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