
Elections 2023: Be informed first, be informed correctly!

The local general elections will take place on November 5, 2023. The date was established by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) on July 4th of the current year. In this election, 898 mayors and 11,058 local councilors will be elected.

Realitatea Media Group, the first accredited by the CEC to cover the November elections, will provide daily new and accurate information related to this electoral process.

A separate category has been created for readers of the news portals realitatea.md, bani.md, rupor.md, rlive.md, and moldovalive.md, dedicated to the election.


By accessing this category, you will be able to find news about the Moldovan parties participating in this contest, the candidates aspiring to the positions of mayor or councilor, the nationally and internationally accredited observers for election monitoring, as well as the violations recorded by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC).

The Realitatea Media Group consists of: RLIVE TV – a national television channel on the Must Carry list, Realitatea.md and Bani.md – news platforms in the Romanian language, Rupor.md – a news platform in the Russian language, Moldovalive.md – a news platform in the English language, CanCan – a platform for celebrity and lifestyle news, Rlive.md – a platform for live broadcasts from public events.

RLIVE TV is on the Must Carry list, ensuring mandatory distribution by all cable and IPTV networks. Nationwide coverage reaches 84% of total TV subscribers. RLIVE TV is also present online, in a convenient widget placed on the main and news pages of 14 news portals. Realitatea.md is in the top 5 most accessed news websites in the Republic of Moldova.

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