Emotional Call for Moldovans to come Home!

The head of state, Maia Sandu, launched a video call where she talks about her legislative initiative, approved in the final reading, through which it offers facilities and ease to Moldovans, who will return to the country, after a period of at least 3 years spent abroad.

“Now returning home becomes simpler. The Parliament voted my legislative initiative in the final reading, which will exempt those who return to live in the Republic of Moldova from taxes for bringing personal items and a means of transport into the country. The Republic of Moldova is changing. The citizens chose the path of development according to the European model. The war will end – and we will continue to build a better Moldova for the people. Who, if not us? Put your shoulder to the change in your country. We are waiting for you at home”, said Maia Sandu in her message.


We remind you that, at the last plenary session of the Parliament in the spring-summer session, the deputies approved in the final reading the draft law launched by the country’s president, Maia Sandu, which offers a series of privileges and exemptions for the introduction of certain goods into the country from abroad.

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