Entrepreneur Victoria Dănilă Wins Top Honors in Water Efficiency, Paving the Way for Sustainable Fashion

Distinguished with 11 gold medals at international exhibitions, Moldovan entrepreneur Victoria Dănilă has been named the winner in the “Water-efficient Consumption” category at the “GCIP Moldova 2023” competition, earning a cash prize of $10,000.

Based in Chișinău, the entrepreneur designs clothes and other products tailored to the needs of prematurely born babies. She has obtained a patent for her products, and this is the second time she has participated in a competition organized by the National Center for Sustainable Energy. In 2022, she did not advance further. This year, she presented a solution for water monitoring and clothing processing.

“The solution involves an intelligent system that allows us to save water in all technological processes (…). Many consumers, especially when dressing purchased clothing, wash them before wearing. We aim to avoid this step. Through an oxygenation-sterilization device, the products will be packaged and ready to wear,” explains Victoria Dănilă.

The textile industry is responsible for 20% of water pollution. According to research, approximately 20 tons of water are used to produce one kilogram of cotton. Washing synthetic fabrics releases tons of microfibers into the environment, estimated at 35% of primary microplastics.


Victoria’s presented concept is currently seeking investors, and once the clothing disinfection device is acquired and installed, Victoria promises to bring significant solutions regarding environmental protection and sustainability in the textile industry.

“It will be an enterprise where everyone can bring old clothes and have a lower cost to purchase new products. From the old ones, new ones can be made or, if they need certain repairs, they will be fixed. (…) It will also be possible to rent clothes. (…) we will disinfect all clothes and propose them for wearing. This device is extremely necessary in second-hand stores, where the buyer knows nothing about the purchased garment,” mentions Victoria.

The “Moldova Eco Energetic” Gala was organized by the Agency for Energy Efficiency (restructured into the National Center for Sustainable Energy) and other international and local partners.

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