Euro-MP: There are delays in the reform-making calendar in the Republic of Moldova

MEP Siegfried Muresan admits that there are delays in the reform-making calendar in the Republic of Moldova. The EU-MP made the statements last week, during an event that brought together journalists from Chisinau in Brussels.

The parliamentarian praises the changes in the judicial system and believes that they will have finality, according to TV8. He also refers to the fact that previously “the will was lacking”.

The official believes that the judicial system will be changed in a few months. According to him, the people who will come into office must be credible, and demonstrate professionalism, but also integrity.

“All in all the schedule was very ambitious. Two in hand, he deploys. These are actually the important things, to do the reform well, and to implement things as agreed. International experts work at a European pace. I know that the people of the Republic of Moldova expect results, and rightly so. Experts do things well prepared, sparingly. The process will be completed in February-March, with a new composition of the CSM”, declared MureČ™an.


MureČ™an pointed out that it is important that “all judges exercising justice in the Republic of Moldova be independent”, and “those with integrity problems should no longer be a problem for the judicial system”. At the same time, in the MEP’s opinion, there are current tensions from those “who wanted to keep the judicial system in place for years”.

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