Gavrilița comments on the possibility of spreading the war in Moldova

There are security risks for the Republic of Moldova in the context of the Transnistrian issue, but for now the authorities do not see any “specific plans”. The statement was made by the Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, after the topic was opened by foreign journalists who attended the conference held with UN ambassadors to the USA.

The Chief Executive pointed out that Moldova will ask for support at the Berlin conference. It stated that it also includes logistical, economic, migrant flow management and political support.

“We have neutrality enshrined in the Constitution. We expect it to be respected by all actors. There are certain risks associated with the separatist region and we need to remain vigilant. We do not see specific plans for Moldova’s involvement in this conflict yet and we count on the support of our partners, on the support of the United States and European countries, so that the situation would remain stable “, reiterated Gavrilița.

During the conference that took place at the Government, Linda Thomas-Greenfield announced that the USA will offer Moldova an additional 50 million dollars support. The money will be used to resolve the Ukrainian refugee crisis.

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