The current economic and security challenges, the impact of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine on the European states, as well as the measures to overcome the global economic crisis were discussed during the meeting of the Parliamentary Group of the Christian-Social Union in the German Bundestag, which was also attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Natalia Gavrilița.

In her speech in front of the German parliamentarians, the Prime Minister spoke about the challenges faced by the Republic of Moldova since the beginning of the war against Ukraine, but also about the Government’s actions aimed at a European, democratic and prosperous future.
“We received a strong mandate from the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to start a process of profound transformation of our country into a modern European state, with an independent judiciary, an efficient public administration, with a resistant and sustainable economic development model, such as and with an attractive investment climate. Despite the war, we remain fully committed to this bold structural reform agenda, which is at the heart of our strategic goal of becoming a full member of the European Union,” said Natalia Gavrilița at the event.

Also, Natalia Gavrilița referred to the unfortunate economic consequences of the energy blackmail of the Russian Federation, which reduced the quantities of natural gas delivered to the Republic of Moldova, as well as led to a significant increase in the price of energy resources. The government quickly intervened with necessary actions to ensure energy security and financial support for the population, through measures to compensate for energy and natural gas prices.
“The price for gas, which we had to pay in 2022 to Gazprom, increased 7 times compared to the previous year. It was therefore essential that we take action to provide compensation for rising energy prices – particularly for the most vulnerable segments of our population. We managed to start the construction of an electric line, which will connect the electric network of the Republic of Moldova to the Romanian one. We have also taken measures to accelerate the use of renewable energy sources, as well as to increase the energy efficiency of public and private buildings”, the PM concluded.