
Germany and Moldova Celebrate 30 Years of Development Cooperation: Introducing Germany4Moldova Website!

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of development cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Moldova, the German Embassy launched the website Germany4Moldova. It provides an overview of Germany’s official bilateral development cooperation as well as smaller, local projects funded by the German Embassy.

As of 1993 until 2022, Germany has provided bilateral development assistance to Moldova in a total amount of 193,2 mn EUR, as well as an additional 150 mn. EUR to help Moldova mitigate the impacts of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

During the launch of the website at the Ditigal Parc the German Ambassador to Moldova, HE Margret Uebber emphasized Moldovas and Germanys partnership that is focused on bringing Moldova closer to the European Union: „Moldova’s status of an EU accession country, granted June of last year, serves as a joint strategic orientation and gives further momentum to our cooperation. We are firmly convinced that we belong to the European family together. Therefore, Germany will continue to support Moldova on its path to becoming a full-fledged member of this family.”

The map provides comprehensive information about closed and ongoing projects financed and implemented in the framework of the German Cooperation. Acces to the map is possible via  https://Germany4Moldova.org.


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