
Good news! Road transport of goods from the Republic of Moldova will be exempt from authorizations in the EU

After long waits, on Friday, June 3, the official round of negotiations took place on the conclusion of an Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union on the liberalization of road freight transport between our country and the EU.

Specifically, the document stipulates that road transport of goods on a bilateral and transit basis is to be exempted from authorizations. Thus, road transport operators in the Republic of Moldova will be provided with continuous mobility, new opportunities and freer access to the European economic market.

The provisions of the Agreement will establish the type of transport operations, the validity period of the Agreement, the activity of the Joint Commission for monitoring the implementation of the Agreement, etc.

The Agreement was drafted by the EU Commission team (DG MOVE).

Officials point out that bilateral road transport relations with most EU Member States are currently governed by bilateral intergovernmental agreements, which lay down various conditions for the conduct of road transport operations. In particular, they provide that the carriage of goods by road is carried out only on the basis of road transport authorizations.

Authorization quotas are established in the negotiations, based on the principle of parity, and are largely insufficient for road transport operators in the Republic of Moldova.

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