Historic Day! Moldova Sends Over 1000-Page Report on Progress toward EU Membership to Brussels

On Wednesday, Moldova sent a report to Brussels on the progress the country has made toward joining the European Union. The report, which is over 1000 pages long, was announced by the country’s foreign minister in Chișinău. According to him, 33 working groups from various institutions worked on the report’s elaboration.

“This is the first time our country has sent its first contribution to the EU enlargement report to Brussels. As a result of the work done in the 33 working groups, we are sending this 1000-page report to Brussels, which explains the progress and adjustments made in every area,” said Popescu.

It should be noted that on Wednesday, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the start of negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the EU by the end of 2023. Additionally, the government announced that Vice Prime Minister Popescu and Prime Minister Recean will be traveling to Brussels on Thursday.


The report is a significant milestone for Moldova in its efforts to join the EU, demonstrating the country’s commitment to meeting the EU’s requirements and standards. The EU has been monitoring Moldova’s progress toward accession closely, and this report will play a crucial role in the EU’s assessment of the country’s readiness to join the bloc. The government’s efforts towards EU membership have also been supported by the country’s citizens, who view EU membership as a key step towards democracy and economic growth.

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