
Joint control at a Moldovan-Ukrainian border crossing point! See details

At the crossing point for railway traffic “Basarabeasca – Serpniovo-1”, on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, joint Moldovan-Ukrainian control is to be established. In this sense, the Cabinet of Ministers approved, today, the initiation of negotiations and the signing of the Protocol between the General Inspectorate of the Border Police of the Ministry of Interior, the Customs Service of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova and the Administration of the State Border Service and the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

“The purpose of the Protocol consists in the development of cooperative relations between the structures with border attributions of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. They will collaborate in the field of integrated management of borders, by carrying out joint control at the railway crossing point of people, means of transport and goods, in accordance with European requirements and practice”, announces the Government.

Also, the document will contribute to diversifying the ways of transporting goods with Ukraine, ensuring the Republic of Moldova’s access to the main regional routes for transporting fuels of different types, as well as to the development of cross-border cooperation. At the same time, the strengthening of the security of the common border, national security, public order and the economic well-being of both states will be ensured.


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