June 24 – International Day of “IA”!

The feast of the “shirt with high heels”, as it is also called “ia”, is celebrated every year, on June 24. On January 21, 2013, the online community “La Blouse Roumaine”, founded by Andreea Tănăsescu, proposed that June 24 become a day dedicated to her. In the same year, together with the Sânziene holiday, they organized the first International Day of Ia, which over time became a global event, celebrated in over 50 countries.

The term “IA” is derived from the Latin “tunicae lineae” – a thin tunic worn on the skin and it seems that its appearance must be sought somewhere in the time of the Cucuteni civilization.

In the 6th century, mentions appear in Latin in Du Cange’s “Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis”, regarding the term shirt – borrowed from the Celts – along with other aspects about the Romanian dress.

The art of folk craft and sewing in particular – was inherited from generation to generation so as not to lose this tradition that represents us, along with the appropriate prayers that were said before the beginning of the spinning of the wool, weaving or weaving of threads. The carefully marked magic insignia, with each needle stitch, were meant to protect the wearer from evil spirits, charms, or bad luck, according to libertatea.ro.

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Ia – name given originally to the women’s clothing, traditional Romanian holiday shirt – is considered the most important piece in folk costume, because it determines the ornamental composition of the costume, the rest of the pieces being associated with the shirt, which is required to be granted as era, age, ornaments and chromatic.

To find more about “IA”, the traditional clothing, and Moldovan culture CLICK HERE!

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