
Key Infrastructure to Considerably Improve in the Next Years

Moldovan authorities announced the launch of “Satul European” (European village), a national project meant to give Moldovan villages the possibility to access money for funding major infrastructure projects, such as repairing roads, building drainage and water systems, as well as creating job opportunities for local people.

The project will have a duration of 12 months with a total of 770 million lei allocated from the national budget. Local authorities will have the possibility of submitting applications for projects worth 10 million lei.

According to president Maia Sandu, regional development lays at the very foundation of progress. A prosperous country is one in which people are offered high living standards and decent jobs in every locality.

Moreover, the authorities have declared that the program will foster the sustainable development of the whole country, as well as increase the level of access to international investment opportunities.

Viorel Furdui, exective director of the Congress of Local Authorities expects this project to be significantly different from previous similar state programs, considering that this time the money will be more efficiently allocated.

It is expected that the state of Moldovan infrastructure will considerably improve in the next years, which will make Moldova even more attractive for external investments and funding. More about the project can be read here.

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