Ludmila Malcoci, Keystone Moldova CEO: The majority of the population does not know the term “social enterprise”


The Keystone Moldova organization, within the project “We capitalize on the potential of civil society for the promotion and development of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova” financed by the European Union and co-financed by Sweden, carried out the sociological study “Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in the field of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova”.

The results of the study were published on December 20, by the executive director of Keystone Moldova, Ludmila Malcoci. In an interview, Ludmila Malcoci provided details about the actuality, purpose, and results of the study.

Even if the population and local public authorities have a positive attitude towards social enterprises, the concept of social entrepreneurship is little known, the results of the study show.
“The most important result that we found in the result of this study is that the vast majority of the population does not know the notion of social enterprise. This means the concept is very foreign to the general population. Although, when we asked them, they mentioned that they would prefer to procure from a social enterprise rather than a regular enterprise, if the quality of the product was good and if the price was advantageous,” says Ludmila Malcoci.


The study highlighted both the challenges of social entrepreneurs and the level of knowledge of the population and local authorities about social enterprises. Thanks to the interviews with the experts, recommendations were also made to develop social entrepreneurship in our country.

The results obtained will be used to develop a communication strategy both for the general population and for non-governmental organizations, small and medium enterprises, and local public authorities, in order to promote the concept of social entrepreneurship.

“Within the project, we want to develop a communication strategy for different target groups, with different objectives, based on the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of different interested groups, so that, in the end, in the case of the general population, for example, we improve the level of general knowledge about social enterprises and they are the ones who purchase products from social enterprises more often, in order to develop social enterprises”, added Ludmila Malcoci.
The study was carried out between July and September 2022, on a sample of 1142 general population, 109 consumers of social enterprises, 106 CSOs not involved in social entrepreneurship, 109 representatives of small and medium enterprises, and 105 representatives of public authorities.