Minister Bolea Discusses Emergency Support for Farmers with UN Representatives

Vice Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea met with representatives of specialized UN agencies, funds, and programs in Chișinău to discuss the possibilities of implementing emergency measures to support farmers. Reference was also made to addressing issues related to cereal exports.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the first major issue raised by farmers is the collapse of prices. The current prices for cereals and oilseeds do not cover production expenses. The second challenge is the increase in transportation costs. Thus, besides the need to invest in rail and naval infrastructure, there is a need to invest in our country’s border crossing points. One of the solutions would be to install scanners for heavy-duty trucks, expand the number of lanes, and set up parking lots near customs checkpoints,” mentioned Vice Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea.

UN officials mentioned that they intend to attract additional financial sources and expand the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Emergency Response Program.


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