
Minister of Justice, tough message before the General Assembly of Judges

“Tougher measures will be applied to the justice sector.” This is the warning given by the Minister of Justice, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, for judges who are thinking of absenting themselves from the General Assembly of Judges, convened for March 17.

The statement was made on a show on TV8.

“The General Assembly is a first step for things to begin to return to a certain normality… I very much hope that this General Assembly will take place and this is my firm message conveyed during the meetings I had with the SCJ, the Courts of Appeal, the Cjisinau Court and all the courts in the country… Because later they (n.r. judges) will no longer be able to complain why tougher measures were applied to the justice sector… If the General Assembly does not take place, we will have to let’s take more measures, including legislative ones, which I would reserve at the moment”, said the minister.


One of the minister’s backup plans is the draft law approved on Thursday, March 2, by Parliament.

According to the document, in the event that the General Assembly cannot be convened due to the expiration of the term of office of the CSM and CSP members, the lack of quorum or in the event of a state of emergency, under these conditions, the General Assembly of Judges is convened and opened by the president or the acting president of the Council. In the case of a vacancy in their position, the General Assembly of Judges is convened and opened by the Minister of Justice.

We remind you that the General Assembly of Judges from Moldova will take place on March 17. A decision in this regard was approved today, February 14, by the Superior Council of the Magistracy.

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