
Modification of the Constitution of the ­Republic of Moldova in 2003. How did it affect Gagaguzia?

On 29th of July 1994, the Parliament adopted the Constitution of the ­Republic of Moldova. Since then the supreme Law of the country ­underwent a series of modifications, but one happened on the 25th of July 2003.

The process started in 2001 when ­Chisinau transmitted to the Venice Commission an initiative related to the competences of the Autonomy to be included in a new draft Constitution of the ­Republic of ­Moldova. A group of rapporteurs expressed their support for the introduction into the Constitution the provisions of the Law on the status of Gagauz-Yeri. 25 July 2003 – the Parliament of the ­Republic of Moldova approved with 76 votes out of 101 the supplementing of the Supreme Law of the state.

According to Art. 111 of the Constitution, Gagauzia is an autonomous territorial unit with a special status which is a form of self-determination for Gagauzia being an integrated and inalienable part of the Republic of Moldova.

According to the law, on the territory of the autonomous territorial unit Gagauzia there are guaranteed all the rights and freedoms stipulated in the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of ­Moldova. In the administrative territorial unit Gagauzia there are operational representative and executive bodies such as the Bashkan, People’s Assembly and the Executive Committee. The soil, ­underground resources, waters, flora and fauna from the territory of ATU Gagauzia represent the property of the people of the Republic of Moldova, representing at the same time the economic basis of Gagauzia.

The organic law regulating the special status of the autonomous territorial unit Gagauzia may be modified with the votes of one fifth of the members of the Parliament, i.e. by at least 61 votes, after a prior consultation with the People’s Assembly.


The Parliament adopted the main provisions of this law as constitutional provisions, which was a very important decision in my opinion from the point of view of consolidation of stability and security in the South of the country, but not only in the Autonomy but in general at the state level.

Vasile Sova, former deputy-prime ­minister for reintegration

This material was developed in the framework of the project “Supporting institutionalized and sustainable dialogue on Gagauzia Autonomy”, implemented by CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation and financed by Sweden. The opinions expressed in this material pertain to the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of CMI or of Sweden.

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