Moldova advocates for a European budget prioritizing peace: A Marshall Plan could symbolize Europe’s commitment to peace


The Republic of Moldova, a candidate for EU membership since June 2022, has been increasingly active in the international and European community. As we move closer to potential accession, Moldova is actively engaged in meetings that could significantly shape the direction of EU development and restructuring, reminiscent of the 2004 enlargement. Moldova’s involvement extends beyond reporting on reforms. It actively contributes to regional security and prosperity. However, questions often arise regarding how Moldova contributes, particularly given our lack of a robust military, state-of-the-art equipment, and our neutral status. Despite these challenges, Moldova grapples with oligarchic forces that have hindered the country’s progress for over three decades, posing as pro-Europeans while impeding Moldova’s advancement through puppet figures.

It is crucial to emphasize that Moldova can no longer delay critical reforms. The nation must prioritize efforts to appoint a Prosecutor General and deliver an economic growth plan to lift Moldova out of stagnation, attract investments, and facilitate quicker economic recovery. The deadlines set by Brussels are not arbitrary; they reflect the confidence earned through compliance. Failure to meet these deadlines risks exclusion from discussions with EU leaders, “Calea Europeana” reports.

Moldova must amplify its voice and firmly support its European trajectory, aligning with other nations worldwide that champion freedom and democratic principles. While reforms are underway and justice is advancing, Moldova’s readiness to begin EU accession talks is undeniable. Brussels acknowledges the efforts exerted and pledges support for their continuation. Despite the complexities, there were significant strides in the justice system. So, Moldova deserves swift, immediate support. Twenty years have passed—far too long to remain on the EU’s outer threshold.


Any investment in Moldova or our neighbors in Ukraine signifies an investment in the future—a widening of the realm of peace, where destabilizing forces and aggressors find no refuge. The EU supports these nations and strengthens its borders and security. President Sandu has stressed the need for an EU budget that goes beyond conventional spending, focusing on strategic peace investments. Moldova may lack the authority to dictate EU spending, but it can contribute to shaping a budget that is adaptable, forward-thinking, and bold.

To reconstruct and strengthen the democratic and economic foundations of aspiring EU member states, the bloc must consider a Marshall Plan-like initiative, President Sandu has suggested. This strategy involves investments in critical infrastructure, governmental reforms, anti-corruption efforts, and justice initiatives—essential for reinforcing the rule of law and democracy.

Addressing EU bureaucracy and streamlining procedures is crucial, given the time-sensitive nature of regional security. Prudent allocation of EU resources fosters a safer, more unified, and prosperous Europe.

Moldova bears a significant responsibility post-Brussels. Judicial reform is paramount, and Moldova must prioritize it accordingly. The time for action is now, as Moldova’s future hinges on decisive steps. The EU accession referendum in the fall provides an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment. Thousands must voice their aspirations, safeguarding our identity against usurpation. I remain hopeful; Moldova and its people have evolved.