Moldova and Romania Sign Energy Integration Pact

The Ministries of Energy in Moldova and Romania are set to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on December 11, greenlighted in today’s government meeting. The agreement focuses on enhancing natural gas and electricity interconnection projects.

For natural gas, the Memorandum outlines plans to increase transport capacity and extend the Iași-Ungheni-Chișinău gas pipeline through the construction of the Chișinău Belt, with a target completion by the end of 2031. Romania’s natural gas storage system will also receive support, including capacity expansion at the Sărmășel depot and potential construction of a new depot in Fălticeni.

In the electricity sector, the Memorandum addresses the synchronization of Moldova’s power system with the ENTSO-E network. It includes plans for the 400 kV Overhead Power Line Suceava – Bălți, the expansion of the 400 kV Suceava and Bălți stations, and the interconnection project between Strășeni and a Romanian power station. The agreement also covers the development of the existing 110 kV electricity interconnection line Huși-Cioara.

The Memorandum sets conditions for designating “OPCOM” SA as the Moldovan electricity market operator, aiming to integrate Moldova’s market into the EU’s internal electricity market. Additionally, it outlines “Moldelectrica’s” integration into the Balancing Market managed by CNTEE “Transelectrica” SA, facilitating cross-border electricity balancing trading processes.

Secretary of State Cristina Pereteatcu highlighted that these projects’ advancement would bolster energy security and contribute to regional diversification.


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