Moldova deployed the first 32 soldiers in the peacekeeping mission in Lebanon

The National Army today deployed the first contingent to the peacekeeping mission in the Republic of Lebanon — the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

On this occasion, a ceremony took place on the set of Military Camp 142, attended by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Maia Sandu, the Acting Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, the Italian Ambassador to Chisinau, H.E. Lorenzo Tomassoni, the Chief of the Defense Staff of the Republic of Italy, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, the UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Moldova, Simon Springett, military attachés, as well as military relatives.

“The Republic of Moldova is committed to contributing to the strengthening of international security. Today, for the first time for our country, a contingent of 32 Moldovan soldiers is participating in such a UN mission, not as observers, but as peacekeepers. Through you, the Republic of Moldova participates in the mission of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon”, said President Maia Sandu.

Acting Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, declared that UNIFIL is the first UN mission in which the Republic of Moldova participates with a contingent of soldiers trained in accordance with international standards.


“It was a long-held desire, and today I am honored to know that our soldiers are ready to go to Lebanon to fulfill the mission of protecting civilians. Together with 47 other countries you will contribute to maintaining peace and security. I am sure that you will fulfill this mission with honor and responsibility. To strictly fulfill the rules of security and application of force”, said Anatolie Nosatîi.

The official added that our soldiers will operate within the area of responsibility of the Italian forces command, just like in the KFOR mission in Kosovo.

It should be noted that the first UNIFIL contingent of the National Army is made up of 32 professional soldiers, who will perform security and guarding missions of military objectives and patrolling the area of responsibility. They will be part of the Italian contingent.

UNIFIL is the first operation under the auspices of the UN to which the Republic of Moldova deploys a military contingent. Previously, the National Army participated in UN peacekeeping missions with only military observers and staff officers.

The decision to deploy in the UNIFIL mission was approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in November 2021.

The first four Moldovan officers left for the peacekeeping operation in the Republic of Lebanon in August 2022, where they are currently working in the General Staff of the mission command. The mandate of the peacekeepers lasts 6 months.

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