Moldova has banned the cultivation of genetically modified organisms


The authorities of the Republic of Moldova will have the possibility to restrict or prohibit the cultivation of genetically modified organisms throughout the country or in certain regions. The law on the regulation and control of genetically modified organisms was adopted on June 9th by the Legislature in the final reading.

The document aims to harmonize national legislation in the field of biological safety and control of genetically modified organisms with European Union legislation.

The new law establishes the normative and institutional framework necessary to carry out the activities of obtaining, testing, using, marketing, but also the import and export operations of genetically modified organisms. Another provision refers to the possibility of restricting or prohibiting the cultivation of genetically modified organisms throughout the territory of the Republic of Moldova or in certain regions.

The approved act also contains provisions on the competences of the National Commission for Biosafety and the National Agency for Food Safety with regard to the placing and placing on the market of genetically modified organisms. In this regard, an important role will also be played by the Environment Agency, which will issue permits and monitor the movement of these products.

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According to the provisions, once this project is adopted, the strict evidence and transparency of the process of authorizing the use of genetically modified organisms will be ensured. It will also ensure that all stakeholders are informed about the effects of agri-food products containing genetically modified organisms.

The project will enter into force 12 months after its publication in the Official Monitor. The law on biosafety will be repealed on the date of entry into force of this project.