
Moldova has received another batch of fuel oil!

Termoelectrica received another batch of fuel oil on Tuesday. It arrived in Moldova by road and rail transport. Termoelectrica is a state company from Moldova whose main object of activity is the generation of electricity and thermal energy by burning fossil fuels.

Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spînu thanked the Temoelectrica company, the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, and the Border Police for their efforts in managing the transportation of tanks. The official also addressed messages of gratitude to the Moldovan Railway, but also to the authorities and entities involved in the process in Romania and Moldova.

“In the coming period, we will also receive other stocks of fuel oil. We are doing everything possible to ensure that citizens, families, and the elderly will come out of the winter well”, states Spînu.


The amount of fuel oil received is not mentioned, but according to the announced auction, it is up to 128,000 tons. It should be noted that this is not the first batch of substances delivered to our country, in the context of the energy crisis.

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