
Moldova has stored 24.5 million cubic meters of gas

The authorities are considering the total cessation of gas supplies by Gazprom. In this context, they took a series of measures that, if implemented, will save 500 million cubic meters of methane, writes BANI.MD.

Thus, in a draft law, it is proposed to switch the CHP plants of the sugar factories, ICS “Moldova-Zahar” SRL and IM “Südzucker Moldova” SA, to alternative fuel. The reconnection of biomass boilers in public institutions, the transition of Termoelectrica (CET source 1) to alternative fuel (fuel oil).

Also, the authorities estimate an increase in the demand for firewood by approximately 50%, following the increase in the price of natural gas, but also a higher demand for coal by approximately 50%.

The authorities claim that they have stored 24.5 million cubic meters of gas in Romania, which would last for about a week during winter.

“If all the measures to reduce and mitigate the impact of the limitation of natural gas are applied, it is possible to save and/or substitute about 500 million m3 of natural gas during the 2022-2023 heating season, without considering the disconnection measures of all interruptible consumers (except SA “Termoelectrica”) and purchase of natural gas from alternative sources”, the draft law states.


Although there is currently a contract for the supply of natural gas for a term of five years between SA “Moldovagaz” and SAP “Gazprom”, in the future, the risk of unilateral termination of the Contract due to non-execution of the audit of financial liabilities persists, thus there is a risk that at any time natural gas deliveries to be limited or stopped. At the same time, there is a risk of a lack of safe and competitive (alternative) sources of natural gas import, in the sense of purchasing them at reasonable prices and transporting them to the Republic of Moldova (including through the Trans-Balkan gas pipeline in reverse flow).

The Republic of Moldova is on the brink of a gas crisis, as it failed to audit Moldovagaz’s historic USD 709 million debt by the end of May, and Gazprom has the right to terminate the supply contract. The authorities claim that, although they send requests to the Russian concern, it does not respond, and they have not been notified of a gas disconnection. However, currently the price of gas has exceeded USD 2000 per thousand cubic meters.

Energy experts claim that Gazprom will resort to energy blackmail in the winter months, so the authorities must have several alternatives, including making gas reserves, at least for two winter months.

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