
Moldova implemented 3 out of 9 European Commission recommendations: EU preliminary report

Almost a year after the Republic of Moldova received the status of a candidate country for the European Union, our country has fulfilled done 3 of the nine conditions of the European Commission. The conclusion is contained in the preliminary EU report. The final report will be published this fall.

“At the moment, the Republic of Moldova stands out for its high level of implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission. The interim report on the Republic of Moldova reflects a positive assessment,” writes tv8, citing sources in Brussels.

The three fully implemented conditions are amending the electoral law (commitment 2), involving civil society in the decision-making process (commitment 8), and ensuring the protection of human rights (commitment 9).

“Other commitments have made good but not enough progress. On justice reform, which is the European Commission’s first commitment, EU officials have acknowledged progress, and subsequent recommendations are to ensure the effective functioning of the Supreme Court and the appointment of an Attorney General.”

Some progress has been made on Commitment 3 regarding the fight against corruption, but more active involvement of the General Prosecutor’s Office and specialized agencies is needed. Regarding deoligarchization (commitment 4), Moldova has made good progress. In the fight against organized crime (commitment 5), the Republic of Moldova has made some progress. The same high score was given to public administration reform (commitment 6) and state financial management (commitment 7).

On June 23, 2022, the Council of Europe granted the Republic of Moldova the status of an EU candidate country.

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