Moldova to Borrow $60 Million from World Bank to Improve Education Quality

The Moldovan authorities are planning to borrow funds for the “Improving the Quality of Education” project in the country. The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the initiation of negotiations with the World Bank. The initiative aims to provide access to education for all children, especially those from disadvantaged groups. The project implementation period is six years.

The document approved today by the Government provides for the signing of three grant agreements and one loan agreement, with a total value of approximately 60 million dollars, of which 40 million will be in the form of a loan. Another approximately 20 million will be provided in the form of non-refundable grants.

Thus, a grant of 5 million dollars will be provided by the Global Partnership for Education, another 5 million dollars will be provided by the Partnership for Early Education, and 10 million dollars will be provided by the Global Concessional Fund.


The new education project provides for the implementation of professional standards for teachers and directors of educational institutions at the national level. At the same time, continuous training will be provided for the beneficiary teaching and managerial staff, and the training conditions of 200 schools will be modernized. Another 15 schools and 15 kindergartens will be fully rehabilitated, while three new high schools will be built in growth pole cities, according to the Ministry of Education.

This project aims to ensure equal opportunities for quality education for all Moldovan children, regardless of their socio-economic status, and to improve the quality of education in the country, which is essential for the country’s development and future prosperity.

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