Moldova will receive 2 million euros from Austria


Moldova will receive a new support program worth 2 million euros from the Austrian government. Minister of Labor and Social Protection Alexei Buzu announced it.

During a meeting with Austrian Labor Minister Johannes Rauch, Buzu discussed several possibilities to support the social protection system in Moldova.

“Within the framework of a new program aimed at poverty reduction, Moldova will receive a grant of about 2 million euros,” Alexei Buzu said on his social networks. 


According to Minister Buzu, the grant will contribute to:

  • developing measures to reduce and prevent poverty or mitigate the negative socio-economic impact of multiple crises on people suffering from poverty and vulnerable groups;
  • ensuring availability, access, quality, and affordability of care and health services;
  • measures for social inclusion;
  • measures to promote independent living without discrimination for people with disabilities;
  • preventing and combating gender-based violence;
  • measures to combat child poverty and promote the health and well-being of children by increasing their material and social participation;
  • measures to provide social security for vulnerable and poverty-stricken groups and expand social protection systems;