Moldovan Secretary of State and Spanish Ambassador Discuss EU Accession and Bilateral Cooperation

Secretary of State Vladimir Cuc had a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MAEIE) with the Ambassador of Spain to the Republic of Moldova, based in Bucharest, José Antonio Hernández Pérez-Solórzano.

During the discussions, the Moldovan official presented the latest developments in our country’s EU accession process, including progress in implementing the nine recommendations from the European Commission. It was reiterated that the Republic of Moldova is counting on a favorable decision to open accession negotiations by the end of the current year.

In turn, the Ambassador expressed Spain’s support for the European path of the Republic of Moldova. Spain’s rotating presidency in the EU Council will manage discussions among EU Member States regarding the Union’s expansion based on the recommendations of the European Commission.

The Spanish Ambassador provided information about efforts to enhance bilateral Moldovan-Spanish cooperation in various areas, including education, internal affairs, and others.


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