Moldova’s EU Path Undeterred: Brussels Backing Despite Transnistrian Dispute

Brussels has been very explicit that the Republic of Moldova will join the European Union regardless of whether the Transnistrian dispute is resolved or not, said Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebrian during the ‘Point Today’ program on TVR Moldova.

The senior official emphasized that nevertheless, the authorities in Chișinău must do everything possible “to reach the EU without problems” and to resolve the frozen conflict in the Republic of Moldova.

“Brussels has been very explicit if we refer to Josep Borrell’s message; he was not the only one who said this. This encourages us. In my opinion, and it is a view shared by my colleagues in the government or in the faction that gave a vote of confidence to this government, is that this very positive message coming from Brussels and signaling to those who want to hinder the integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Union, with the Transnistrian dossier, saying: if you have this unresolved dossier, you will never reach the EU. Here, Brussels’ message is that, no, the Republic of Moldova will reach Brussels, whether this dossier is resolved or not,” declared Oleg Serebrian on the TVR Moldova set.

However, the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration specified that the government will do everything possible to make progress in resolving the Transnistrian dossier.

“However, in my opinion, we must do everything possible to reach the EU without problems. It is our duty to do this. To expedite this process, at least to create premises for the resolution of this conflict and to demonstrate some successes. When the time comes to become a member state of the European Union, it would be preferable for the region to be integrated or to have a very clear perspective,” emphasized Oleg Serebrian.


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