Natalia Gavrilița met with the mayors of the Criuleni district

The Prime Minister, Natalia Gavrilița, met today with the mayors of the Criuleni district. The discussion focused on the actions of the Executive, aimed at solving the problems in the regions, but also the management of the crises that continue to affect the Republic of Moldova, following the war in Ukraine, the Government announces.

The Head of the Executive announced that the authorities are constantly looking for viable solutions to provide citizens with wood, fuel, coal and natural gas, at the most advantageous price.

The mayors welcomed the actions launched by the Executive in order to develop localities, but also to reform key sectors. The APL representatives also referred to the problems faced by the localities they lead. Among them were topics related to the massive delimitation of land, access to water from ponds for irrigation, but also the simplification of the procedure for the sale of plots of land under the management of town halls. The prime minister mentioned that an extensive process of review and functional analysis of the activities of several state agencies has begun, and as a result of this, the procrastination of bureaucratic processes will be resolved.

In order to reduce the impact of the increase in energy prices on vulnerable consumers, the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund was created, which will allow monthly compensations for the consumption of natural gas, electricity and thermal energy, as well as a subsidy for the replacement of household appliances, to be provided in the invoice technically outdated. At the same time, in the next period the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development will present a plan regarding the preparation for the cold season.

According to the Prime Minister, even if the authorities are focused on overcoming crises, regional development and ensuring citizens’ access to quality social infrastructure and public services, it remains one of the Executive’s priorities. Thus, electronic public services have become more accessible to people in villages, thanks to the launch of the Unified Centers for the Provision of Public Services (CUPS), and recently the MDelivery service was launched, which allows the delivery of documents at home, and the e-APL platform, which efficient management of activities at the local level will contribute. In particular, the prime minister referred to the “European Village” National Local Development Program, in the Criuleni district the town halls won 18 projects, totaling 134 million lei, and the town halls mentioned its numerous benefits for the locals, but also for municipal officials who gain new experience in project implementation.


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