National Wine and Vine Office Hosts Conference to Discuss Sustainability and Development in the Viticulture Industry

National Office of Vine and Wine (ONVV), with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and USAID as a strategic development partner, organized the National Conference of the Wine Industry with the subject “Wine year 2022: sustainability assessments and perspectives”.

The event, in its sixth edition, brought together winemakers and experts from the wine industry from the country and abroad who took stock of the 2022 wine year. The challenges in the sector were also presented during the conference.

During the conference, Elizaveta Breahna, the interim director of the National Office of Vine and Wine, presented the results obtained in 2022.

“In terms of phytosanitary condition, mainly of raw materials, that is, vine plantations, the 2022 wine year was very good, with quality grapes. Wines were produced that were appreciated during three regional tastings that took place in February. 280 thousand tons of grapes were harvested and processed, producing 19 million hectoliters of wine, of which 4.5 million hectoliters are destined for distillation in obtaining wine distillates. Development prospects are to increase the vine plantation area. Many plantations are over 30 years old, and it is important to plant the grape varieties that have a demand on the international market, increase sales of bottled wine, not bulk, and increase the price of a liter of wine for export. In 2022, wine was exported to 68 countries,” said Elizaveta Breahna.

Present at the event, the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Sergiu Gherciu, mentioned the importance of this type of event for winemakers.

“This is a long-awaited event for all winemakers, where they meet and draw conclusions, talk about the problems they had last year, and at the same time set new objectives for the development of the sector in the current year. That is why I consider it a successful event, extremely important for the sector, where all actors meet, discuss, and plan activities for the future,” said Sergiu Gherciu.

In 2022, wine exports also decreased, reaching the lowest level in the last 10 years. Compared to 2021, exports decreased by 14% in volume and 9% in value.


“Today’s conference is dedicated to the wine industry or the wine sector and comes to communicate the results of the 2022 harvest, as well as the generic name of this event, in its sixth edition. Although we had a fairly difficult year and unfavorable climatic conditions, global crises, the wine sector is still resilient. Due to the global crisis and the war in the region, exports have decreased, and even the lowest export rate in the last 10 years was recorded. Winemakers in the country exported around 10.4 million hectoliters, a decrease of 14% compared to 2021, and in value, we have a decrease of 9%. We strive to promote and make every effort to promote Moldovan wine and the country’s image as a wine-producing country and an emerging tourist destination. We also launched a campaign entitled 10 years of revolution in the wine industry because the National Office of Vine and Wine and the national brand of the country have turned 10 this year,” said Parascovia Ignat, the head of Marketing and Market Development at ONVV.

In 2023, it is planned to expand vine plantations and increase exports of bottled wine, as well as increase the price of a liter of bottled wine.

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